01. Contract

Your contract is with Eyes 4 Nature Safaris Limited operating privately guided safaris in Tanzania. Booking a safari with Eyes 4 Nature Ltd is consider as acceptance of the following terms and conditions. Any contract with us is subject to these terms and conditions which are binding. Before booking with us you must ensure that you have read and understood all terms and conditions (please clarify any questions you may have with us). By asking us to confirm your booking you are accepting the terms and conditions laid out below and acknowledge that you have read the terms of this contract and agree with them.

02. Bookings Procedure

Eyes 4 Nature Safaris will create a tailor made safari itinerary to suite your personal needs. Prices advertised on the Company website and Safaribookings.com are estimates. Prices may vary. Eyes 4 Nature Safaris Ltd cannot be held accountable for changes in price to Tanzanias national parks, conservation fees or government levies or taxes. The guest will be liable for such changes. The Company will endeavor to inform the guest as soon as possible of any changes in this respect. The guest must immediately inform the Company of any changes in his holiday plans or itinerary (items not booked by the Company such as international flights) which may affect the booking. In order to secure the booking the guest must pay a non-refundable 30% deposit within 10 days of the date of invoice.

03. Payment Procedure

In order to secure the booking the guest must pay a non-refundable 30% deposit within 10 days of the date of invoice. Full payment must be received no later than 60 days prior to traveling. If the booking is being made within 60 days of traveling payment must be made in full. All bank or wire transfer charges are the responsibility of the guest. Credit card payments will be subject to a surcharge.

04. Insurance

We urgently advise you to purchase a travel insurance. You must be sure that your insurance fully covers all your personal requirements including pre-existing medical conditions, cancellation charges, medical expenses and repatriation in the event of accident or illness. If you choose to travel without insurance cover, we will not be liable for any losses or emergencies for which insurance cover would otherwise have been available.

05. Passports and Visas

It is up to the guests to ensure that passports and visas are valid for their visit to Tanzania. Most nationalities can get a tourist visa on arrival in Tanzania at the border or airport ($ 50 per person, US Citizens $ 100 per person). This tourist visa is valid for a period of three months. You can also get your visa in advance at the embassy in your home country. Check the visa rules before you go. Passports should have at least six months of validity after the final day of travel. Eyes 4 Nature safaris Ltd cannot be held liable for any visas, etc. Not held by the Guest, nor the cost of visas.

06. Medical and Health conditions

If you or any member of your party has any medical problem or disability which may affect your holiday, please tell us before you confirm your booking so that we can advise as to the suitability of the chosen arrangements. In all events, you must give us full details in writing at the time of booking. If we reasonably feel unable to properly accommodate the particular needs of the person concerned, we must reserve the right to decline the booking or if full details are not given at the time of booking, cancel when we become aware of these details. Yellow Fever vaccination certificates are required for entry into Tanzania and other African countries when the guest has travelled through a yellow fever endemic country.

07. Risks and Hazards

Eyes 4 Nature safaris Ltd including its directors and all employees are not responsible for any illness, malady, injury or death to persons whilst on a safari with the Company. The Company holds no responsibility for any loss or damage to personal property regardless of the causes. The Guest is solely responsible for their personal property. The Company draws attention to the fact that there are risks involved in partaking in a trip with the Company and that you, the Guest, must accept them at your own risk. The Company holds no responsibility for risks arising from circumstances which are out of the control to the Company including (but not limited to): environmental pollutants, radioactive contamination, nuclear waste, the combustion of nuclear waste, the combustion of nuclear, fuel, or toxic substances, explosives or threat of war, sabotage, invasion, insurrection, coup d’etat, civil disturbance, government intervention, sickness, quarantine, pandemic, climatic conditions or other unforseen incidences. It is the sole responsibility of the guest to take all appropriate medical advice prior to departure as to whether or not you are fit enough to partake in the trip booked.

08. Wild Animals

Eyes 4 Nature safaris would like to draw attention to the fact that our safaris or tours may bring you into close contact with potentially dangerous wild animals. Animal attacks are extremely rare, but the Company can make no guarantee that this will not occur. The guests should take advice from the Eyes 4 Nature safari guide and listen to all instructions. The Company reserves the right to change the itinerary if the guest refuses to accept the guide’s instructions regarding his safety during animal sightings becoming a danger to himself and others. The company will not be responsible for any injury or incident occurring whilst on safari. The Company wishes to draw attention to the fact that many safari lodges and camps do not have fences and wildlife may move freely through these areas. The rules and restrictions of specific camps or camp staff must always be followed.

09. Brochures, website and information

Any information on brochures, magazines, the Company website, safari bookings.com or any other publications should be taken as guidelines and will be correct at the time of publication. This information is subject to change.

10. Roads and Access

Eyes 4 Nature safaris cannot be held responsibility for the conditions of roads and airstrips, which may at times limit access to camps and certain areas within national parks. Similarly the Company cannot be held responsible for the condition of roads which may be utilised on transfers or journeys throughout the trip.

11. Third Parties

In the events of cancellation by a third party organized by the Company, the Company will endeavor to procure a refund from the third party but will not be liable to provide any refund unless given by the third party. The 30% non- refundable deposit paid at booking remains non-refundable under circumstance of third party cancellation. In the event of cancellation by a third party the Company has a responsibility to suggest a similar alternative but the guest is liable for any addition to the price incurred by the alternative. In the event of missed connections through the fault of the guest or a third party, the Company will not offer refunds but the Company will endeavor to make alternative arrangements. The Company holds no responsibility in any way whatsoever for any activities organized by third parties (hotels, lodges, camps and beach resorts).

12. Cancellations, amendments and refunds

Cancellations, must be made in writing by the guest and will only be effective when received by the Company. Cancellation charges are as per the invoiced rate. Charges are based on the time of cancellation in days prior to the booked travel date and will be applied as follows: Over 60 days: 30%. 60 days or less: 100%. Amendments within 60 days may incur a charge. Refunds will not be given for any of the following: lost travel time or substitution of facilities, amendments made to the itinerary after departure, circumstances over which the Company has no influence and for which it is not responsible such as insurance issues etc please note paragraph 04. All bookings and arrangements during the safari are binding and cannot be changed without incurring excessive additional costs, such as premature exit of the guest to or from any pre- arranged accommodation, service, activity or trip segment without notifying the Company well in advance. The Company, where possible and subject to availability, will endeavor to accommodate any request to change or amend a booking once confirmed.

13. Our Responsibility

Eyes 4 Nature Safaris Ltd accepts responsibility for ensuring your holiday will be as described prior to your departure and the services provided will reach a good local standard. However we draw your attention to paragraph 04. Please note we cannot accept responsibility for any services which are not part of our contract. This includes for example any additional services or facilities such as hot air balloon or helicopter flights which your hotel or other supplier agrees to provide for you but which were not the services or facilities advertised in our brochure and which we had not agreed to include in your budget. Activities and excursions which are available in the resort are not run nor controlled in any way by Eyes 4 Nature safaris Ltd. They do not form any part of your contract with Eyes 4 Nature safaris, even where we recommend particular operators, trips and assist you in booking such activities or excursions in any way. Accordingly we regret Eyes 4 Nature safaris cannot accept any liability in relation to these outside activities and excursions. This is the case regardless of whether the activity is advertised or mentioned in our brochure, the resort, on our website or elsewhere. Your contract for any such activity or excursion will be with the supplier or operator of that activity or excursion. Eyes 4 Nature safaris has no liability for any such activity or excursion or for any acts or omissions of the supplier or for their employees or agents or any other persons connected with the activity or excursion.

In addition we will not be responsible when you do not enjoy your holiday or suffer problems because of a reason you did not tell us about when you booked your holiday, or when any problems you suffered did not arise from any breach of our contract or our fault or our third party agents, any loss of luggage or additional expenses wich are not part of our contract. Our suppliers, such as accommodation or transport suppliers (ship and aircraft), have their own booking conditions of carriage, and these condition are binding between you and the supplier. Some of these conditions may limit or impose the other suppliers liability on you. You can get copies of such conditions from any offices ill as a result of the transport by aircraft, ship, train or coach. The amount of compensation we will pay is limited in line with the Warsaw Convention, the Athens Convention, the Berne Convention, and the Geneva Convention. You will find all necessary information regarding this on the websites of international travel agencies. Please note that these conditions may limit or remove the carrier’s liability to you and the amount the carrier has to pay you and that the carrier will rely on its own conditions of carriage, which may limit or remove the carrier’s liability to you and limit compensation under international conventions. We can only accept responsibility for any losses and expenses due to mistakes on our part. We accept responsibility for any negligence of our employees, agents and direct suppliers.

Please remember that the infrastructure in the country you are visiting may not be up to the same standards of your country of residence. Some resorts may experience the occasional power cut or water cut or water shortage. We will not be responsible for any injury, illness, death, loss (for example loss of enjoyment), damage, expense, cost or other sum or claim of any description whatsoever which results from any of the following. a) The fault of the guest or a member of his party, or b) natural disaster and similar events, or) The fault of anyone who is not carrying out work for us (generally or in particular) at the time of booking. This paragraph does not alter the limitation on liability contained in paragraph 10 and should be carefully considered.

14. The law

The above booking terms and conditions together with all correspondence form part of your contract with us. This contract and any matter arising from it shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the United Republic of Tanzania.

15. Waiver of claim against Introducer

If you have been referred to us by another party (for example a travel agent) you agree to hold them blameless and waive any and all claims against such party. Any issues you may have must be directed to us and dealt with under the terms of our contract.

16. Problems

If you have problems during your holiday in Tanzania please inform us as soon as possible before you travel back to your country. Please speak with the camp/ hotel manager or service provider immediately and they will endeavor to put things right.

17. Carriers

Carriage by air, and sea is subject to the terms and conditions of the carriers with whom you are travelling and to international conventions. We accept no liability whatsoever for cancellation, strikes, timetable changes, diversions, technical issues unrelated to us, lost or mislaid luggage, rescheduling coast, missed accommodation, or delays which result from any operational decision of the carrier concerned. We accept no liability for death, injury or illness that derives from carriage by air or sea.

18. Your Responsibility

You must ensure that your travel documents, passports, visas and vaccinations certificates are in order and that you ensure that you have taken the advice of your primary care physician with regard to inoculations. We will offer general advice but cannot be held responsible if you do not comply with current requirements before your departure. We do not accept liability for any advice given of a general nature prior to the travel commencing. You are responsible for a timely check-in for all flights and for presenting yourself to take up all pre- booked components of your travel. No credit or refund will be given to you should you fail to take up any component of your travel or if you lose any travel documents. We draw your attention to the fact that there are certain inherent risks involved in all of the tours that we organize and these must be accepted by you at your own risk. If you wish to discuss any such risks with us we would be more than happy to provide advice per telephone or in writing.

19. Miscellaneous

Any purchase of goods or services which you make while on the trip are solely at your risk, including problems such as defects, failure to ship or damage to goods while in shipment, whether or not the purchase was made from a vendor recommended by a guide, other person rendering trip services or any third party. You agree that if you are injured or become ill, Eyes 4 Nature safaris Ltd may, at your cost, attempt to arrange medical treatment, evacuation or any other emergency services on your behalf as it deems essential for your safety and well- being but it accepts no responsibility for the quality or adequacy of any such treatment, evacuation or services. Baggage is carried entirely at your risk. Eyes 4 Nature safaris Ltd or suppliers of services reserve the right to remove anyone from a trip without refund who acts in a manner which is considers unsafe or inconsiderate to fellow travelers or others and who ignores the advice of his or her guide(s) to act in a safe and considerate manner.

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