Here`s why birdwatching safaris in Tanzania are a unique experience. Tanzania has one of the longest lists of bird species of any African country: over 1,100, of which over 800 species are resident, and nearly 200 are regular migrants. There are 22 species endemic and thus unique to Tanzania, and a further 43 near-endemic, restricted to Tanzania and neighboring countries only.

Tanzania’s dense forest, scrubby bushveld, rugged mountain ranges, plunging valleys, endless savannahs, and long stretches of coastline share one common trait; they all provide gorgeous habitats for a large variety of colorful birds. These birds are as varied and diverse as the people that spend hours watching them and promise exquisite displays and irresistible antics as they enjoy the unspoiled loveliness of Tanzania.

The grasslands, and wetlands of Tanzania are prime areas for bird watchers to catch a glimpse of some endangered bird species like the Grey Crowned Crane and the Shoe-bill stork. Whilst the northern and southern interior regions of Tanzania are known for their high density of birds per square kilometer, spectacular bird watching can be experienced almost anywhere in the country. Tanzania’s national parks and nature reserves offer an incredible diversity of bird species.

For the avid birding enthusiast, who’s perhaps not quite fit enough to hike into the mountains, the Amani nature reserve in the Usambara Mountains is an ideal setting for some splendid bird watching. Easy contour paths through the forest will bring you close to such beautiful birds as the Fischer’s Turaco, Grey Cuckooshrike, African Green-Pigeon, Shelley’s Greenbul, Red-tailed Ant- Thrush, and Cardinal Woodpecker. If you’re around during the dawn and dusk times, you might even be lucky enough to spot the rare Usambara Akalat and Usambara eagle owl flying overhead!

Tanzania is rich in diversity. Whether man-made bird hides near watering holes, spacious aviaries at sanctuaries, dense forests, or vast expanses of the open African sky; there certainly is no shortage of world-class bird watching, set against breathtaking vistas.


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